A striking black flour corn with high levels of health-promoting anthocyanins. Easy to grow and adaptable to many locations and conditions. Like its sister-line Painted Mountain, it produces reliably in Montana’s short growing season. Plants are 4-5 feet tall and yield long slender ears with 8 uniform rows of shiny black kernels. Produces a soft flour starch good for many purposes including delicious cornbread.
Montana Morado Maize is developed by Dave Christiansen who continues to advance its genetics every year. This seed is grown in partnership with Ole Norgaard of North Frontier Farms near Shonkin and the Highwood Mountains. It is grown and sold under the Dave’s trademark Seed We Need. It comes packaged in the ‘Seed We Need’ packet with more information including planting instructions.
A. 1.4 oz (approx. 135 kernels) $6.50
B. 2.8 oz (approx 270 kernels) $12.00
C. 5.6 oz $21.00
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